James A. Brady, FAIA
Object Two

In his multi-faceted career in education as architect, planner and advocate, Jim Brady created exemplary student-centered learning environments, championed best practices and stakeholder engagement focused on learning, and transformed organizational and leadership development nationwide.

Lawrence Holdren Connolly, FAIA
Object Two

Lawrence Connolly has transformed the animal shelter building type by creating facilities that support humane animal care, encourage pet adoption and teach responsible pet ownership.

Ernesto Cragnolino, FAIA
Object One

Ernesto Cragnolino’s architecture seeks out and engages conflicts that are intrinsic to the work’s individual circumstances. By embracing subtlety and nuance he elevates experience over visual expression.

Phillip A Reed, FAIA
Object Five

Through policy reform and designs for public buildings, Phillip Reed has improved the quality of life in Central Texas by concentrating on long term environmental impacts that will shape the region for generations to come.

(Charles) Al York, FAIA
Object One

With economy, restraint, and an uncommon sensibility for context, Al York creates architecture that resonates with a timeless sense of belonging by exposing the underlying grace of the ordinary and revealing beauty within familiar situations.